Aim and Scope
Al-Rafidain Journal of Engineering Sciences (RJES) is an international, double-blind peer-reviewed and open access journal providing a unique forum for researchers, scholars and practitioners to concern dynamic and rapid evolution of knowledge in the engineering field. RJES is a semiannually journal aimed to involve researchers from international institutions to share their most valuable scientific results. The main scope of the journal is to publish high-quality original research, reviews and case reports in the areas of engineering sciences. The journal welcomes contributions from all who wish to report on new developments and the latest findings in all fields of engineering.
The College of Engineering, Tikrit University publishes TIKRIT JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING SCIENCES (TJES) for the dissemination of original research in ENGINEERING Sciences. The journal’s aims are to disseminate the latest development and achievements in scientific research to the world’s community. To ensure quality, the submission of manuscripts to TJES shall be subjected to peer review by an international board of distinguished reviewers. The journal published 4-issues/a year and in English to strengthen the international exchange of academic research. The journal provides a forum for high-quality research communications and addresses all aspects of experimental observations based on theory and applications. The journal welcomes contributions from all who wish to report on new developments and the latest findings in engineering.
TJES publishes original research articles, review articles, and technical notes, that add significantly to the body of knowledge concerning science and engineering.
The Journal accepts 2 types of articles that are defined as follows:
1-Research Articles: A research article is a regular article that aims to present new findings. Manuscripts of Full-length Original Articles should include an abstract (Purpose, Methods, Results, and main Conclusion), Introduction, Experimental Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgment, and References. Figures, and Tables. Graphics, images, and diagrams should be submitted in a high-quality original format.
2-Review Articles: A review article is an article that aims to present comprehensively already existing findings. Review articles are intended to provide an updated perspective on a certain subject that could be relevant to the readership of the journal. Review articles should include an abstract…….etc., and new findings.
RJES invites research papers that encompass conceptual analysis, design implementation, and performance evaluation. All papers submitted for possible publication at RJES are subject to the peer review process. Submissions are accepted only in the English language. The journal accepts research articles, review articles, case reports and selected conference articles. The Editors reserve the right to reject papers without sending them out for review. The RJES is committed to upholding publication Ethics (COPE) and obligates the authors to avoid any plagiarism or illegal citation.
The subject areas include the following fields:
- Engineering and Technology (General)
- Chemical Engineering
- Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Dames and Water Resources Engineering
- Mechanics, Mechanical Engineering
- Hydraulic Engineering
- Electrical and Electronic Engineering
- Communication Engineering and Information Technology
- Computer Engineering
- Mechatronics Engineering and Robotics
- Architecture and Environmental Design
- Sustainable Engineering
- Nano-scale Design Engineering
- Environmental Engineering