Author Guidelines Submission
General Instructions
Manuscripts should be structured as Abstract; Keywords; Introduction; Materials and Methods; Results and Discussion; Conclusion; Acknowledgements and References.
The manuscript should be created using MS Word and submitted in a file of limited size. File submissions in PDF format will be rejected. Keep the format as per the following instructions:
- Use A4 paper size (21x 29.7 cm), double column, normal font size 12, single line space.
- All margins must be 2.54 cm and manuscript should have page numbers
- Keep the text left-aligned; do not justify the paragraph.
- Use the spell check and grammar check of your word processor program.
- Check the quality of the scanned figures. The legends should be clearly visible.
- Use a single grid for each table.
- use IEEE References Style.
Authorship Information
The following information should be included:
- Author's full name and institutional mailing addresses and Emails
Download Authors Contributions
Download Copyright form
Manuscript Title
The title should be brief and concise. The title should be in running text, bold, font size 16. Do not use ‘&’ symbol and avoid using abbreviations.
The manuscript should contain an abstract. The abstract should be self-contained and citation-free and should be between 150-250 words. The abstract should state the purpose, approach, results and conclusions of the work. The author should assume that the reader has some knowledge of the subject, but has not read the paper. Thus, the abstract should be intelligible and complete in itself (no numerical references); it should not cite figures, tables, or sections of the paper. The abstract should be written using third person instead of first person.
For the purposes of indexing, 4-6 key words should be supplied below the abstract separated by commas. The first letter of each keyword must be capitalized. Keywords should not repeat the words of the manuscript title or contain abbreviations and shall be written in alphabetical order.
The manuscript should contain an abstract. The abstract should be self-contained and citation-free and should be between 150-250 words. The abstract should state the purpose, approach, results and conclusions of the work. The author should assume that the reader has some knowledge of the subject but has not read the paper. Thus, the abstract should be intelligible and complete in itself (no numerical references); it should not cite figures, tables, or sections of the paper. The abstract should be written using third person instead of first person.
Introduction should be neither too brief nor too long and describes briefly the background of the investigation with updated information and states the aim of the study. The introduction should be supported by authentic standard references of journals.
Headings and format
Sections and subsections should be numbered as 1, 2, etc. And 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2 respectively. Capital letters should be used for the initial letter of each noun and adjective in the section titles; the section should be formatted as left, bold, Times New Roman, and 12pt font size. In subsections (left, italic, Times New Roman, and 12pt), the initial letter of the first word should be capitalized and also similarly for other sub-subsections (left, italic, Times New Roman, and 11pt).
Figures, photos, tables, and equations
A figure, table, equation, and the corresponding text which is describing it should be placed on the same page. Otherwise, it may be placed on the page immediately following it. One page may contain images no more than 2/3 of its entire content. Do not add multiple or irrelevant photos in your article. If necessary, put the two figures on horizontal arrangement. The elements from any photo must be explained using numbers, letters, etc. Photos must be crystal clear with high resolution to allow visibility of fine details. The text within a figure or photo must have the same style, shape and height as the caption.
Any table, figure or picture must have a caption (Figure 1., Table 1: etc.) followed by a proper description. (Example: Figure 1. The experimental apparatus: 1-test section, 2-thermocuoples, 3-flow meter).
The table, figure or picture should be formatted as center, Times New Roman, and 10pt font size. The initial letter of the first word should be capitalized
All similar graphics must be generated using the same software. (Excel, Grapher, Origin, etc.) Importing graphics into the article as images (JPG, BMP, PNG, etc.) should be avoided. All similar electronic schematics, charts, program flow, simulated characteristics, etc. From the article should be generated using the same software product. Importing images from other articles or books is forbidden unless they are cited.
Submit math equations as editable text and not as images. Present simple formulae with normal text where possible and use the division slash (/) instead of a horizontal line for small fractional terms.
Materials and Methods
Just after the introduction materials and methods should be mentioned. Provide sufficient details to enable the experiments to be reproduced. Support the techniques and methods used with references. Metric and standard international units should be used in this section and throughout the manuscript. Specify the computer software used for simulation/statistical analysis and define terms, abbreviations, and symbols applied.
Focus on original results and discuss those results compared with results from references. You can also compare simulations with experimental results. Do not compare simulations with other simulations if you do not have a very good reason to do so. Do not expect the reader to search for your results throughout the article and references. Do not present results as a well-known theory. A better result may contain only a good explanation of your novel idea, a measuring methodology, a design or all of them. Be specific naming your results: the results are purely theoretical, simulations, simulations followed by experimental measurements, experimental measurements followed by manufacturing prototypes, etc. Tables and figures should be numbered in the order of their mention in the text. All Tables and figures must have a title or caption and a legend to make them self-explanatory.
Deals with critical review and interpretations of the results, and supported by relevant updated references. Repetition of data should be avoided. It should end with brief conclusions. Results and discussion can be written in one section.
In this section, you should present the conclusion of the paper. Conclusions must focus on the novelty and exceptional results you acquired. Allow sufficient space in the article for conclusions. Do not repeat the contents of Introduction or the Abstract. Focus on the essential ideas of your article.
Acknowledgements of people, grants, funds, etc. Should be placed in a separate section before the reference list. The names of funding organizations should be written in full. Financial support affiliation of the study, if exists, must be mentioned in this section. Thereby, the Grant number of financial supports must be included.
Use at least 15 reference papers in a research article type and at least 50 reference papers in review article type, make sure they are well chosen with respect to the article's content. Cite the references in ascendant order, starting with [1]. Do not copy the text from references in your paper without using quotes. Do not use any title for the authors (PhD, an IEEE member, etc.). Do not forget the page number when citing from books or review articles with many pages. Always at the end of the reference, if the article is available online add, “available online: http://xxx”. Check the link of the web address for consistency. Authors are responsible for ensuring that the information in each reference is complete and accurate. All references must be cited using Arabic numerals in the order in which they appear and citations of references in the text should be identified using numbers in square brackets (e.g., “as solved by John [5]”; “as solved elsewhere [9, 10, 15-16]”). All references should be cited within the text; otherwise, these references will be automatically removed.
The References part should follow the IEEE style, and only in English. List all authors, but if the number exceeds 6, list only the first 3 authors followed by et al. Please follow the format and punctuation shown in the following examples: Download Examples for IEEE style
Conflict of Interest
Authors must declare conflict(s) of interest at the time of submission of a manuscript for possible publication in RJES.
Conflict of Interest Disclosure
Author Contributions Form File:
the corresponding author is required to send the contributors' copyright transfer form through the Autor Contributions Form by e-mail this form to manager .
Before Submission of Article
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
- All authors must read the Ethics in publishing, Violation of publication ethics, Plagiarism prevention and Handling cases of misconduct before being submitted to RJES.
- The manuscript should be written in English only.
- Read the guideline for Authors and make sure that the manuscript (text, tables, and figures) meets Journal requirements.
- The title doesn’t have “&” and other non-standard abbreviations
- Author names conform to journal requirement, and their affiliations are checked
- The corresponding author is marked
- Corresponding authors email and address are included
- Keywords are added and adopted suitably
- Tables and Figures are properly numbered and captions added
- The quality of the figure is checked
- References are in proper format as shown in the reference section
- Article spell and grammar is checked
Proof Correction
Once the article is accepted after successful peer review, the article is published online and a Pdf in journal format is prepared.
- A copy of this PDF file is e-mailed to the corresponding author for proof check.
- Make sure to proofread and make the correction diligent. It is better to consult some senior professor of your department.
- The proofreading and the correction of the article should be very careful and thorough before sending back to the managing editor, as second time rechecking and re-correction will not be allowed and the PDF will be finally uploaded on the website as an online publication.
Change of Authorship
After the manuscript is submitted, the corresponding author is required to send a request through the signed Change of Authorship Form to add or remove an author or to rearrange the author names of the submitted manuscript.
Please bear in mind that:
- Adding a new author manuscript is possible before acceptance and publication.
- Removing an author of manuscript is possible before acceptance and publication.
- Adding a new author manuscript is impossible after acceptance and publication.
- Removing an author of the manuscript is impossible after acceptance and publication.
All of the above should be requested from the corresponding author and all authors must sign it.