CFD simulations of Hybrid and Composite Nanomaterials for Enhanced HeatTransfer in Heat Exchangers
Main Article Content
This quantitative research explores features of impact of nanomaterials, hybridized
nanomaterials, and composite nanomaterials on heat exchangers. Heat exchangers are
used widely in various industrial processes and are considered important elements
since they extend the lifespan of equipment through proper management of thermal
loads. It has been evident that incorporation of TiO2 nanomaterials will improve
progressively the thermal conductivity of heat exchange equipment and, thus, the
overall efficiency of heat exchangers. In the present research, the findings have been
derived through the use of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis for studying
heat exchange characteristics and the flow of fluids in heat exchangers incorporating
various forms of nanomaterials. The study considered the influence of adding Al2O3
with CuO hybridized nanomaterials onto the heat exchanger as its material. The
temperature got low at 43.3 °C, which showed the performance of the nanomaterials,
and reduced further afterwards to 41.93 °C within just 10 minutes. The inclusion of the
nanohybrid in combination approached the premium down to 36.6°C twelve minutes
later. The result indicates that the use of the nanocomposite is well justified for
improving the quality of the cooling process. Contour temperatures, velocities, and
pressure show heat transfers and quantities of fluid density when hybrid nanomaterials
are mixed with multiple substances. It was at 313.5 K that the maximum temperature
was at, and the velocity arrived at 0.45 m/s, which subsequently decreased to 0.33 m/s.
The increase in pressure was at 1035 pa. This translates to the difference in density of
the absorbent fabric and the nanomaterials.
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