Incorporating Latent Variables into Active Transportation Mode Choice: A review
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Active transportation mode is highly recommended for achieving sustainable requirements. Studying the factors and strategies that promote these modes of transportation has been the focus of recent research. The most common factors are objective factors, such as travel cost and time, that can be quantified. Recently, there has been an adequate amount of proof that attitudes have a significant impact on mode choice. It is a type of subjective factor that cannot be quantified. The latent variables have been used to represent attitude in the mode choice models and travel behavior studies. To what extent do the latent variables affect the mode choice? This was the aim of many researchers. To get the right answer, they have studied how to incorporate the latent variables into mode choice models and what variables have the most influence on the mode choice. the aim of this research is to review the latent variables that have been investigated in the previous studies of active transportation and the techniques used to incorporate them into the models. The findings showed that latent variables have been incorporated alongside the traditional explanatory variables. The traditional models are not fitted to incorporate attitude into them. Therefore, an extension of the traditional method called integrated choice models and latent variables has been developed, and it’s fitting was more significant than the traditional methods. In addition, the extended models are capable of incorporating more variables than the traditional models
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