Literature Review on the Use of Basalt Fiber Sheets for Improving Shear Resistance in High-Strength Concrete Beams
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This paper reviewed the application of basalt fiber-reinforced polymer sheets in enhancing the shear strength of reinforced concrete beams .However , traditional reinforcement methods are generally very limited regarding strength, durability, and environmental resistance. This has created a demand for advanced materials such as fiber-reinforced polymers. Basalt fibers have several advantages over conventional carbon and glass fibers owing to their superior mechanical properties, lower environmental impact, and cost-effectiveness. This review made an analysis of the experimental data on the effectiveness of BFRP sheets in enhancing shear capacity in RC beams, with a view to considering parameters such as shear span-to-depth ratios, material modulus of elasticity, and bonding configurations. The result showed that BFRP sheets remarkably enhanced shear resistance and structural ductility, particularly in configurations optimized to prevent premature failure. It also emphasized how further research was lacking, particularly in the performance of HSC reinforced with BFRP under different loading conditions. Results have shown that future studies must be conducted to develop the bonding and reinforcement techniques that can fully realize the benefits of BFRP in advanced structural applications . This work provides an insight into the structural potential of BFRP as a sustainable reinforcement material in modern concrete infrastructure
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