The Behavior of Punching Shear Strength on Geo-Polymer Concrete Circular Slabs with Openings: A Review
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This paper examines eco-friendly concrete, focusing specifically on geopolymer concrete and its performance in reinforced concrete circular slabs, with and without openings, as well as its strength when reinforced with CFRP sheets under punching shear conditions. Flat reinforced concrete slabs are frequently utilized in construction due to their efficiency and speed of installation, along with the continuous smoothness achieved in the arrangement of the elements. However, slab systems often lack adequate shear strength in both directions. As a result, they may suffer shear failure at the points where they intersect with columns, leading to the failure of a larger segment of the structure. Various factors can contribute to shear failure, including changes in the usage of the facility, design and construction errors, increased load, material degradation, and poor-quality standards. The placement of openings can occur in either the positive or negative moment area of the slab, giving rise to different challenges that cannot be addressed with a uniform approach. To correct structural deficiencies, carbon fiber-reinforced polymer (CFRP) sheets or strips are utilized as composite elements. The application of CFRP improves the punching shear resistance in both directions and also enhances flexural strength, ductility, and rigidity. This makes CFRP a more feasible option compared to other costly and complex methods, such as increasing the cross-sectional dimensions of columns. This paper reviews recent research on the application of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) to boost the shear strength of flat slabs. It details the materials used for the reinforcement of these slabs and the techniques employed in their application. Furthermore, the paper summarizes the studies cited and proposes possible directions for future research.
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How to Cite
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