Shear strengthened of R.C hollow deep beams with large opening by plates: A Review
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This research examines the reinforcement of deep hollow concrete beams with substantial openings by plate strengthening techniques, highlighting the benefits of these apertures and their major impact on structural performance, load-bearing capacity, and durability. It also examines several methods to improve the shear strength of deep reinforced guard beams with web openings, focusing on plate reinforcement. This method involves attaching plates to the beam's surface to enhance shear stress distribution alongside contemporary techniques that use metal plates to reinforce these openings. The dissertation assesses the existing literature on the behavior of deep hollow concrete beams with significant apertures, focusing on both laboratory tests and analytical methods used to evaluate the performance of different plate designs. This is achieved using finite element method (FEM) analysis utilizing specific applications, reinforcement techniques, and fastening processes. It concludes that aperture dimensions and location are crucial to reinforced concrete deep beam stability and effectiveness. It shows how the shear span-to-depth ratio (a/d) affects load-bearing and efficacy. Innovative reinforcing methods include steel plates and fiber-reinforced polymers to strengthen ductile beams with openings. Strategic aperture placement especially near shear spans can reduce stiffness and load distribution issues. Advanced finite element modeling predicts beam performance across configurations. The results emphasize the significance of carefully designing deep hollow beams to combine utility, material efficiency, and structural robustness, providing engineers in many applications with valuable insights and solutions. This detailed study helps improve deep beam structural performance at a low cost.
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